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Packages » SimplicialDecomposability :: faceDelete
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faceDelete -- computes the face deletion for a simplicial complex



i1 : R = QQ[a..e];
i2 : S = simplicialComplex {a*b*c*d*e};
i3 : faceDelete(a, S)

o3 = simplicialComplex | bcde |

o3 : SimplicialComplex
i4 : faceDelete(a*b*c, S)

o4 = simplicialComplex | bcde acde abde |

o4 : SimplicialComplex
i5 : faceDelete(a*b*c*d*e, S) === skeleton(3, S)

o5 = true


Do not confuse face deletion with normal deletion wherein the vertices of the given face are entirely removed.

See also

Ways to use faceDelete :

For the programmer

The object faceDelete is a method function.