Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » SimplicialPosets :: stanleyPosetIdeal
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stanleyPosetIdeal -- Returns ideal that defines the simplicial poset ring of the given simplicial poset.



For details about the definition of this ideal, refer to Stanley's original paper, specifically definition 3.3.

i1 : P = booleanLattice(3);
i2 : I = stanleyPosetIdeal(P);

o2 : Ideal of QQ[x   , x   , x   , x   , x   , x   , x   , x   ]
                  000   001   010   011   100   101   110   111
i3 : SPR := ring(I)/I;

Ways to use stanleyPosetIdeal :

For the programmer

The object stanleyPosetIdeal is a method function.