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Packages » SparseResultants :: SparseDiscriminant
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SparseDiscriminant -- the class of all sparse discriminants


An object of this class is created by the method sparseDiscriminant, when the input is an integral matrix $A$ with $n$ rows. Such an object behaves like a function that to a Laurent polynomial $f$ in $n$ variables $x=(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$, with $f = \sum_{\omega\in \{columns\ of\ A\}} a_{\omega} x^{\omega}$, associates its sparse discriminant $Disc_{A}(f)$, which is a polynomial in the coefficients $a_{\omega}$. An error is thrown if the polynomial $f$ does not have the correct form.

Functions and methods returning an object of class SparseDiscriminant :

Methods that use an object of class SparseDiscriminant :

For the programmer

The object SparseDiscriminant is a type, with ancestor classes HashTable < Thing.