Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » SpechtModule :: innerProduct(ZZ,MutableMatrix,MutableMatrix)
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innerProduct(ZZ,MutableMatrix,MutableMatrix) -- calculates the inner product for the characters of S_n



The character table for two characters $X$ and $Y$ of $G$ is calculated using the formula $<X,Y> = \sum_{g \in G} X(g)Y(g) = \sum_{C \in Cl(G)} |C|X(g_C)Y(g_C) $ where the second sum is taken over all conjugacy classes of $G$ and $g_c$ is an element in the conjugacy class.

As an example we calculate the inner product between the character of the regular representation of $S_4$ and the character indexed by partition {2,1,1}.

i1 : n = 4

o1 = 4
i2 : X = mutableMatrix  {{0,0,0,0,24}}

o2 = | 0 0 0 0 24 |

o2 : MutableMatrix
i3 : Y = mutableMatrix  {{1,0,-1,-1,3}}

o3 = | 1 0 -1 -1 3 |

o3 : MutableMatrix
i4 : innerProduct(4,X,Y)

o4 = 3

As expected this inner product is equal to 3.

Ways to use this method: