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Packages » SpechtModule :: readingWord(YoungTableau)
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readingWord(YoungTableau) -- gives the reading word of a given tableau



The reading word of a tableau is word obtain by reading each column from the bottom up and reading the columns from left to right. The reading word is used to calculate the cocharge statistic of the given tableau.

i1 : p = new Partition from {3,2}

o1 = Partition{3, 2}

o1 : Partition
i2 : y = youngTableau(p,{0,2,3,1,4})

o2 = | 0 2 3 |
     | 1 4 |

o2 : YoungTableau
i3 : readingWord(y)

o3 = {1, 0, 4, 2, 3}

o3 : List

Ways to use this method: