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Packages » SpecialFanoFourfolds :: detectCongruence(SpecialCubicFourfold,ZZ)
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detectCongruence(SpecialCubicFourfold,ZZ) -- detect and return a congruence of (3e-1)-secant curves of degree e



i1 : -- A general cubic fourfold of discriminant 26
     X = specialCubicFourfold("3-nodal septic scroll",ZZ/33331);

o1 : ProjectiveVariety, cubic fourfold containing a surface of degree 7 and sectional genus 0
i2 : describe X

o2 = Special cubic fourfold of discriminant 26
     containing a 3-nodal surface of degree 7 and sectional genus 0
     cut out by 13 hypersurfaces of degree 3
i3 : time f = detectCongruence(X,Verbose=>true);
 -- used 8.14731s (cpu); 3.88482s (thread); 0s (gc)
number lines contained in the image of the cubic map and passing through a general point: 8
number 2-secant lines = 7
number 5-secant conics = 1

o3 : Congruence of 5-secant conics to surface in PP^5
i4 : p := point ambient X -- random point on P^5

o4 = point of coordinates [15092, -9738, -3620, -15181, 12688, 1]

o4 : ProjectiveVariety, a point in PP^5
i5 : time C = f p; -- 5-secant conic to the surface
 -- used 0.798529s (cpu); 0.589917s (thread); 0s (gc)

o5 : ProjectiveVariety, curve in PP^5
i6 : assert(dim C == 1 and degree C == 2 and dim(C * surface X) == 0 and degree(C * surface X) == 5 and isSubset(p, C))

See also

Ways to use this method: