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Packages » SubalgebraBases :: Subring
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Subring -- The type of all subrings


Subring is a type that stores information associated to a subring of a polynomial ring or quotient ring, such as a set of subring generators and a reference to the ring containing these generators. An instance of a Subring is constructed with the function subring. For many uses, it is suggested to use a Subring, as the computation objects (SAGBIBasis) are handled behind the scenes, and the user experience is more streamlined.

Every instance of Subring has the following keys (some of which are strings):

  • ambientRing: The polynomial or quotient ring that contains the subring instance's generators.
  • generators: A one-row matrix, the generators of the subring.
  • cache: Contains data from previous computations to allow for more efficient computations.
  • presentationRing: the polynomial ring with one variable for each generator of the subring.
  • presentationMap: a map from the presentation ring to the ambient ring of the subring.

See also

Types of subring :

Methods that use a subring :

For the programmer

The object Subring is a type, with ancestor classes HashTable < Thing.