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Packages » SumsOfSquares :: solveSOS(RingElement,RingElement,Matrix)
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solveSOS(RingElement,RingElement,Matrix) -- sum-of-squares problem in a quotient ring



This method allows to compute sums-of-square decompositions in quotient rings. A vector of monomials must be provided in this case.

i1 : R = QQ[x,y]/ideal(x^2 + y^2 - 1);
i2 : f = 10-x^2-y;
i3 : mon = matrix {{1}, {x}, {y}};

             3      1
o3 : Matrix R  <-- R
i4 : solveSOS (f, mon)

o4 = MomentMatrix   3x3 matrix over RR_53           
     GramMatrix     3x3 matrix over QQ              
     Monomials      3x1 matrix over R               
     Status         SDP solved, primal-dual feasible

o4 : SDPResult

If a degree bound $D$ is given, the method will use the vector of monomials of degree at most $D/2$.

i5 : solveSOS (f, 2)

o5 = MomentMatrix   3x3 matrix over RR_53           
     GramMatrix     3x3 matrix over QQ              
     Monomials      3x1 matrix over R               
     Status         SDP solved, primal-dual feasible

o5 : SDPResult

Parametrized sums-of-squares problems can also be solved in quotient rings.

i6 : S = R[t];
i7 : solveSOS(f-t,-t,mon,RoundTol=>12)

o7 = MomentMatrix   3x3 matrix over RR_53           
     GramMatrix     3x3 matrix over QQ              
     Monomials      3x1 matrix over R               
     Parameters     1x1 matrix over QQ              
     Status         SDP solved, primal-dual feasible

o7 : SDPResult


The rational rounding may also fail in quotient ring computations. In this case, the object SOSPoly constructed from the object SDPResult can live in a newly created ring, instead of the quotient that one started with.

i8 : R = QQ[x,y]/ideal(x^2 + y^2 - 1);
i9 : f = 10-x^2-y;
i10 : mon = matrix {{1}, {x}, {y}};

              3      1
o10 : Matrix R  <-- R
i11 : s = solveSOS (f, mon, RoundTol=>infinity);
i12 : ring sosPoly s

o12 = RR  [x..y]

o12 : PolynomialRing

The above ring is not a quotient ring. One can construct a new quotient ring and work there. However, this will only work reliably for principal ideals, as otherwise the Gröbner basis engine might fail due to inexact computations.

i13 : R' = ring sosPoly s;
i14 : S = R'/(sub (ideal (x^2 + y^2 - 1), R'))
-- warning: experimental computation over inexact field begun
--          results not reliable (one warning given per session)

o14 = S

o14 : QuotientRing
i15 : sub (f, S) == sub (sosPoly s, S)

o15 = false


See also

Ways to use this method: