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Packages » TSpreadIdeals > MaxInd
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MaxInd -- optional integer argument for tLastMon


whether it is greater than -1 the function tLastMon(u,t,MaxInd=>m) gives the smallest t-spread monomial for which the maximum of the support is $\max\textrm{supp}(\texttt{u})$ of the Borel shadow of $B_\texttt{t}\{\texttt{u}\}$. Given a $t$-spread monomial $u=x_{i_1}x_{i_2}\cdots x_{i_d}$, we define $\textrm{supp}(u)=\{i_1,i_2,\ldots, i_d\}$.

See also

Functions with optional argument named MaxInd :

For the programmer

The object MaxInd is a symbol.