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html(TEX) -- conversion of $\TeX$ to html



This method produces an HTML string, mainly converting several simple text formatting environments, such as bold face, italics, etc. Rendering mathematical characters and equations is done by $\KaTeX$, a JavaScript math typesetting library for browsers. See the list of supported functions and symbols for more information, or this page for an introduction to math mode in $\LaTeX$.

Equations in $..$ or \(...\) appear in inline mode, such as $x^2-1$, while those in $$..$$ or \[...\] appear in display mode:$$\left(\!\begin{array}{cc} x&z\\ y&w \end{array}\!\right).$$

In addition, {\bf ...}, {\em ...}, {\it ...}, {\tt ...}, and \url{...} are converted to Hypertext objects:

res(Module) is the method for making resolutions (see

Here are some examples designed to illustrate various other features of this function when viewed in a browser:























$\oint\limits_{\partial M}$

$\oint\limits_{\partial M}$









 a & b \\
 c & d

$\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix}$

 a & b \\
 c & d

$\begin{vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{vmatrix}$


$\mathnormal{ABCD \; abcd \; 123}$


$\mathrm{ABCD \; abcd \; 123}$


$\mathit{ABCD \; abcd \; 123}$


$\mathbf{ABCD \; abcd \; 123}$


$\mathsf{ABCD \; abcd \; 123}$


$\mathtt{ABCD \; abcd \; 123}$


$\mathfrak{ABCD \; abcd \; 123}$


$\mathcal{ABCD \; abcd \; 123}$


$\mathbb{ABCD \; abcd \; 123}$


$\mathscr{ABCD \; abcd \; 123}$







































Lastly, new macros can be defined using script tags. For instance, inserting the following LITERAL item in the documentation defines the structure sheaf:

LITERAL ///<script> macros["\\OO"] = "\\mathcal{O}" </script>/// 

The macro can be used at any point after: $$ 0 \to 2\OO_{\PP^3}(-3) \to 3\OO_{\PP^3}(-2) \to \OO_{\PP^3} \to \OO_C \to 0 $$

See also

Ways to use this method: