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Packages » ThinSincereQuivers > maxCodimensionUnstable
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maxCodimensionUnstable -- compute the maximal codimension of the unstable loci of a quiver



It computes the maximal codimension of the unstable loci a given quiver Q

i1 : maxCodimensionUnstable bipartiteQuiver(2, 3)

o1 = 6

We note that this value can range from $|Q_1|$, as is the case with the quiver associated with the projective space, to 1 when the quiver is not tight.

i2 : maxCodimensionUnstable toricQuiver({{0,1},{0,1},{0,1}})

o2 = 3

Ways to use maxCodimensionUnstable :

For the programmer

The object maxCodimensionUnstable is a method function.