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Packages » ThinSincereQuivers > primitiveArrows
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primitiveArrows -- list the primitive arrows in a quiver



This method returns a list of the arrows in the provided quiver that are primitive. An arrow a=(v0,v1) in the quiver Q is primitive if there exists an oriented non-empty path from v0 to v1 in Q that is distinct from a. Thus, if the arrow a is primitive, then removing it from the quiver results in a quiver that still contains a path between its endpoints v0 and v1.

i1 : primitiveArrows toricQuiver {{0,1},{0,2},{0,3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}}

o1 = {0, 3, 5}

o1 : List

For the programmer

The object primitiveArrows is a function closure.