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Packages » ToricVectorBundles :: HH^ZZ(ToricVectorBundle,List)
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HH^ZZ(ToricVectorBundle,List) -- the i-th cohomology of a toric vector bundle for a given list of degrees



"Computes the $i$-th cohomology of the toric vector bundle $E$ for a given list of degrees. For this $i$ must be between $0$ and the rank of the vector bundle. The entries of the list "L must be one column matrices each defining a point in the lattice of the fan over which $E$ is defined
i1 : E = tangentBundle hirzebruchFan 3

o1 = {dimension of the variety => 2 }
      number of affine charts => 4
      number of rays => 4
      rank of the vector bundle => 2

o1 : ToricVectorBundleKlyachko
i2 : HH_0^E {matrix{{1},{0}},matrix{{-1},{0}}}

            1        1
o2 = {(QQ[]) , (QQ[]) }

o2 : List

See also

Ways to use this method: