Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » Tropical :: isTropicalBasis
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isTropicalBasis -- checks if a list of polynomials is a tropical basis for the ideal they generate



This method checks if the intersection of the tropical hypersurfaces associated to the polynomials in the list equals the tropicalization of the variety corresponding to the ideal they generate.

i1 : QQ[x,y,z]

o1 = QQ[x..z]

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : isTropicalBasis({x+y+z,2*x+3*y-z})

o2 = false
i3 : isTropicalBasis(flatten entries gens Grassmannian (1,4,QQ[a..l]))

o3 = true

Ways to use isTropicalBasis :

For the programmer

The object isTropicalBasis is a method function with options.