Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » VectorGraphics :: AnimMatrix
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AnimMatrix -- Create a rotation animation matrix


An option to create a rotation animation for the GraphicsObject. The value can be a single 4x4 matrix, or a list which is cycled. The syntax n => ... can be used to repeat a sequence n times (where 0} means infinity). The animation automatically loops (use 0 => { } to stop!) In order for the animation to work, VectorGraphics.css and VectorGraphics.js must be included in the web page.

i1 : (anim1=rotation(0.1,[0,0,1],[0,0]); anim2=rotation(-0.1,[0,0,1],[0,0]);); anim3 = { 5 => {5 => anim1, 5 => anim2}, 10 => anim1 };
i3 : gList(Polygon{{[-1,0],[1,0.1],[1,-0.1]},"fill"=>"red",AnimMatrix=>anim1},Circle{[1,0],0.1},Circle{[0,0],1})

o3 = GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                                                                                                    }
                  Contents => {Polygon{AnimMatrix => | .995004  -.0998334 0 0 |}, Circle{cache => CacheTable{}      }, Circle{cache => CacheTable{}      }}
                                                     | .0998334 .995004   0 0 |          Center => | 1 |                      Center => | 0 |
                                                     | 0        0         1 0 |                    | 0 |                                | 0 |
                                                     | 0        0         0 1 |                    | 0 |                                | 0 |
                                       cache => CacheTable{}                                       | 1 |                                | 1 |
                                       PointList => {| -1 |, |  1 |, |  1  |}            Radius => .1                         Radius => 1
                                                     |  0 |  | .1 |  | -.1 |             style => MutableHashTable{}          style => MutableHashTable{}
                                                     |  0 |  |  0 |  |  0  |
                                                     |  1 |  |  1 |  |  1  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}
                  style => MutableHashTable{}

o3 : GraphicsList
i4 : gList(Polygon{{[-1,0],[1,0.1],[1,-0.1]},"fill"=>"red",AnimMatrix=>anim3},Circle{[1,0],0.1},Circle{[0,0],1})

o4 = GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                                                                                                                                                                                     }
                  Contents => {Polygon{AnimMatrix => {5 => {5 => | .995004  -.0998334 0 0 |, 5 => | .995004   .0998334 0 0 |}, 10 => | .995004  -.0998334 0 0 |}}, Circle{cache => CacheTable{}      }, Circle{cache => CacheTable{}      }}
                                                                 | .0998334 .995004   0 0 |       | -.0998334 .995004  0 0 |         | .0998334 .995004   0 0 |           Center => | 1 |                      Center => | 0 |
                                                                 | 0        0         1 0 |       | 0         0        1 0 |         | 0        0         1 0 |                     | 0 |                                | 0 |
                                                                 | 0        0         0 1 |       | 0         0        0 1 |         | 0        0         0 1 |                     | 0 |                                | 0 |
                                       cache => CacheTable{}                                                                                                                        | 1 |                                | 1 |
                                       PointList => {| -1 |, |  1 |, |  1  |}                                                                                             Radius => .1                         Radius => 1
                                                     |  0 |  | .1 |  | -.1 |                                                                                              style => MutableHashTable{}          style => MutableHashTable{}
                                                     |  0 |  |  0 |  |  0  |
                                                     |  1 |  |  1 |  |  1  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}
                  style => MutableHashTable{}

o4 : GraphicsList

For the programmer

The object AnimMatrix is a symbol.