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Packages » VectorGraphics :: gList
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gList -- Group together VectorGraphics objects


gList(a,b,...,c, options) results in a new GraphicsList object containing a,b,...,c and the given options.

i1 : a=gList(Line{[-100, 15, 78], [-9, 100, 4]},
         Line{[-96, -49, -100], [46, -100, 52]},
         Line{[-100, -42, -51], [59, 100, 76]},
         Line{[-100, 66, 54], [83, -100, -27]})

o1 = a

o1 : GraphicsList
i2 : b=gList(Line{[-30, 100, 20], [9, -100, 8]},
         Line{[-78, -73, -100], [-64, 84, 100]},

o2 = b

o2 : GraphicsList
i3 : gList(a,b,Size=>30)

o3 = GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}      }
                  Contents => {a, b}
                  Size => 30
                  style => MutableHashTable{}

o3 : GraphicsList

For the programmer

The object gList is a function closure.