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Packages » VectorGraphics :: radialGradient
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radialGradient -- An SVG gradient


This corresponds to the radialGradient SVG gradient. The argument is a list of pairs of offsets and styles. Optional arguments (e.g., "cx", "cy", "r", "fx", "fy") are used to position the gradient.

i1 : Ellipse{[60,60],40,30, "fill"=>radialGradient{("0%","stop-color:red"),("100%","stop-color:yellow")}}

o1 = Ellipse{cache => CacheTable{}             }
             Center => | 60 |
                       | 60 |
                       |  0 |
                       |  1 |
             RadiusX => 40
             RadiusY => 30
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}

o1 : Ellipse

For the programmer

The object radialGradient is a function closure.