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Packages » A1BrouwerDegrees :: hyperbolicForm
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hyperbolicForm -- the Grothendieck-Witt class of a hyperbolic form



By default outputs the rank two hyperbolic form over the input field $k$.

i1 : hyperbolicForm(GF(7))

o1 = GrothendieckWittClass{cache => CacheTable{}}
                           matrix => | 1 0  |
                                     | 0 -1 |

o1 : GrothendieckWittClass

Specifying a rank yields a copy of sums of the rank two hyperbolic form. Only even rank inputs are accepted.

i2 : hyperbolicForm(RR,4)

o2 = GrothendieckWittClass{cache => CacheTable{}  }
                           matrix => | 1 0  0 0  |
                                     | 0 -1 0 0  |
                                     | 0 0  1 0  |
                                     | 0 0  0 -1 |

o2 : GrothendieckWittClass

See also

Ways to use hyperbolicForm :

For the programmer

The object hyperbolicForm is a method function.