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Packages » CellularResolutions :: HH_ZZ CellComplex
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HH_ZZ CellComplex -- compute the homology modules of a cell complex



This computes the reduced homology in degree r of the cellular complex arising from the cell complex C. For more details on the labels, see HH CellComplex. As an example, we can compute the 0-th and 1st homology of a wedge of two circles.

i1 : R = QQ

o1 = QQ

o1 : Ring
i2 : a = newSimplexCell({},1);
i3 : b1 = newCell {a,a};
i4 : b2 = newCell {a,a};
i5 : C = cellComplex(R,{b1,b2});
i6 : homology(0,C)

o6 = image 0

o6 : QQ-module, submodule of QQ
i7 : homology(1,C)

o7 = QQ

o7 : QQ-module, free
i8 : prune oo

o8 = QQ

o8 : QQ-module, free

We can make this example slightly more interesting by changing the label ring and adding a non-unit label. Note in particular that this has a non-zero 0-th homology.

i9 : R = QQ[x]

o9 = R

o9 : PolynomialRing
i10 : a = newSimplexCell({},x);
i11 : b1 = newCell {a,a};
i12 : b2 = newCell {a,a};
i13 : C = cellComplex(R,{b1,b2});
i14 : homology(0,C)

o14 = image 0

o14 : R-module, submodule of R
i15 : prune oo

o15 = 0

o15 : R-module
i16 : homology(1,C)

o16 = R

o16 : R-module, free, degrees {2:1}
i17 : prune oo

o17 = R

o17 : R-module, free, degrees {2:1}

See also

Ways to use this method: