Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » GKMVarieties :: makeKClass
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makeKClass -- constructs an equivariant K-class



This method creates a KClass given a GKMVariety X and a list L of Laurent polynomials in its character ring. The order of Laurent polynomials in the list must correspond to the order of the list of torus-fixed points X.points.

The following example is the class of $O(1)$ on the projective space $\mathbb P^3$.

i1 : PP3 = projectiveSpace 3;
i2 : R = PP3.characterRing;
i3 : L = gens R

o3 = {T , T , T , T }
       0   1   2   3

o3 : List
i4 : C = makeKClass(PP3,L) --the class of O(1) on PP3

o4 = an "equivariant K-class" on a GKM variety 

o4 : KClass
i5 : C === ampleKClass PP3

o5 = true
i6 : isWellDefined C

o6 = true


This function does not check if X defines a GKM variety - see isWellDefined.

See also

Ways to use makeKClass :

For the programmer

The object makeKClass is a method function.