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Packages » Graphs :: expansion
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expansion -- returns the expansion of a graph



The expansion of a subset S of vertices is the ratio of the number of edges leaving S and the size of S. The (edge) expansion of a graph G is the minimal expansion of all not too large subsets of the vertex set. The expansion of a disconnected graph is 0 whereas the expansion of the complete graph on n vertices is ceiling(n/2)

i1 : G = graph({{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}},EntryMode=>"edges");
i2 : expansion G

o2 = 1

o2 : QQ
i3 : expansion pathGraph 7

o3 = -

o3 : QQ

Ways to use expansion :

For the programmer

The object expansion is a method function.