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Packages » Graphs :: Graphs
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This documentation describes version 0.3.4 of Graphs.

Source code

The source code from which this documentation is derived is in the file Graphs.m2.


  • Types
  • Functions and commands
    • addEdge -- A method for adding edges to a graph
    • addEdges' -- see addEdge -- A method for adding edges to a graph
    • addVertex -- A method for adding a set of vertices to a graph
    • addVertices -- see addVertex -- A method for adding a set of vertices to a graph
    • adjacencyMatrix -- Returns the adjacency matrix of a Graph or Digraph
    • barbellGraph -- Returns the barbell graph
    • barycenter -- Returns the barycenter of a grah
    • BFS (missing documentation)
    • bipartiteColoring -- Returns a coloring of a bipartite graph
    • breadthFirstSearch -- runs a breadth first search on the digraph starting at a specified node and returns a list of the vertices in the order they were discovered
    • cartesianProduct -- Computes the cartesian product of two graphs
    • center -- Returns the center of a graph
    • children -- returns the children of a vertex of a digraph
    • chromaticNumber -- Computes the chromatic number of a graph
    • circularLadder -- Returns a circular ladder graph
    • cliqueComplex -- Returns the clique complex of a graph
    • cliqueNumber -- Returns the clique number of a graph
    • closedNeighborhood -- Returns the closed neighborhood of a vertex of a graph
    • clusteringCoefficient -- a method for computing the clustering coefficient of a Graph
    • cocktailParty -- Returns a cocktail party graph
    • complementGraph -- Returns the complement of a graph
    • completeGraph -- Constructs a complete graph
    • completeMultipartiteGraph -- constructs a complete multipartite graph
    • coverIdeal -- Returns the vertex cover ideal of a graph
    • criticalEdges -- Finds the critical edges of a graph
    • crownGraph -- Returns a crown graph
    • cycleGraph -- Constructs a cycle graph
    • degeneracy -- Computes the degeneracy of a graph
    • degreeCentrality -- Returns the degreeCentrality of a vertex of a graph
    • degreeIn -- returns the "in-degree" of a vertex in a digraph
    • degreeMatrix -- Returns the degree matrix of a graph
    • degreeOut -- returns the "out-degree" of a vertex in a digraph
    • degreeSequence -- the degree sequence of a graph
    • deleteEdges -- Deletes a list of edges from a graph
    • deleteVertex -- a method for deleting the vertex of a graph
    • deleteVertices -- Deletes specified vertices from a digraph or graph
    • density -- computes the density of a graph
    • depthFirstSearch -- runs a depth first search on the digraph or digraph and returns the discovery time and finishing time for each vertex in the digraph
    • descendants -- returns the descendants of a digraph
    • descendents (missing documentation)
    • DFS (missing documentation)
    • digraph -- Constructs a digraph
    • digraphTranspose -- returns the transpose of a Digraph
    • tensorProduct -- see directProduct -- Computes the direct product of two graphs
    • disjointUnion -- Returns the disjoint union of a list of graphs.
    • displayGraph -- displays a digraph or graph using Graphviz
    • distance -- Computes the distance between two vertexSet in a graph
    • distanceMatrix -- Computes the distance matrix of a digraph
    • doubleStar -- returns a double star graph
    • eccentricity -- Returns the eccentricity of a vertex of a graph
    • edgeConnectivity -- computes the edge connectivity of a graph
    • edgeCuts -- returns the edge cuts of a graph
    • edgeIdeal -- returns the edge ideal of a graph
    • edges -- Returns the edges of a digraph or graph
    • expansion -- returns the expansion of a graph
    • findPaths -- finds all the paths in a digraph of a given length starting at a given vertex
    • floydWarshall -- runs the Floyd-Warshall algorithm on a digraph to determine the minimum distance from one vertex to another in the digraph
    • foreFathers -- see forefathers -- returns the forefathers of a digraph
    • forefathers -- returns the forefathers of a digraph
    • friendshipGraph -- Returns a friendship Graph
    • generalizedPetersenGraph -- Returns a generalized petersen graph
    • girth -- A method for computing the girth of a graph
    • graph -- Constructs a simple graph
    • graphComposition -- A method for composing two graphs
    • graphLibrary -- constructs a graph of a type specified in the string input
    • graphPower -- constructs a graph raised to a power
    • hasEulerianTrail -- determines whether a graph or a digraph has an Eulerian trail
    • hasOddHole -- checks whether a graph has a odd hole
    • incidenceMatrix -- computes the incidence matrix of a graph
    • independenceComplex -- constructs the independence complex of a graph
    • independenceNumber -- computes the independence number of a graph
    • indexLabelGraph -- Relabels the vertices of a graph or digraph according to their indices, indexed from 0.
    • inducedSubgraph -- A method for finding the induced subgraph of any Graph or Digraph
    • isBipartite -- determines whether a graph is bipartite
    • isChordal -- checks whether a graph is chordal
    • isCM -- determines if a graph is Cohen-Macaulay
    • isConnected -- determines whether a graph is connected
    • isCyclic -- determines whether a graph is cyclic
    • isEulerian -- determines if a graph or digraph is Eulerian
    • isForest -- determines whether a graph is a forest
    • isLeaf -- determines whether a vertex is a leaf
    • isPerfect -- checks whether a graph is perfect
    • isReachable -- checks if a vertex u is reachable from a vertex v
    • isRegular -- determines whether a graph is regular
    • isRigid -- checks if a graph is rigid
    • isSimple -- checks if a graph is simple
    • isSink -- determines if a vertex of a digraph is a sink or not
    • isSource -- determines if a vertex of a digraph is a source or not
    • isStronglyConnected -- checks if a digraph is strongly connected
    • isTree -- determines whether a graph is a tree
    • isWeaklyConnected -- checks if a digraph is weakly connected
    • kneserGraph -- constructs a kneser graph of specified size
    • ladderGraph -- Returns a ladder graph
    • laplacianMatrix -- Returns the laplacian matrix of a graph
    • leaves -- lists the leaves of a tree graph
    • lexicographicProduct (missing documentation)
    • lineGraph -- Returns the line graph of an undirected graph
    • lollipopGraph -- constructs a lollipop graph
    • lowestCommonAncestors -- determines the lowest common ancestors between two vertexSet
    • minimalDegree -- computes the minimal degree of a graph
    • minimalVertexCuts -- finds the minimal vertex cuts of a graph
    • monomialGraph -- Returns a monomial graph
    • neighbors -- returns the neighbors of a vertex in a graph
    • nondescendants -- returns the nondescendants of a vertex of a digraph
    • nondescendents (missing documentation)
    • nonneighbors -- returns the non-neighbors of a vertex in a graph
    • numberOfComponents -- computes the number of connected components of a graph
    • numberOfTriangles -- counts how many subtriangles are present in a graph
    • parents -- returns the parents of a vertex on a digraph
    • pathGraph -- A method that makes a path graph
    • prismGraph (missing documentation)
    • radius -- Returns the radius of a graph
    • rattleGraph -- Returns a rattle graph
    • reachable -- Returns the vertices reachable in a digraph from a given collection of vertices
    • reindexBy -- reindexes the vertices according to the input ordering.
    • removeNodes (missing documentation)
    • reverseBreadthFirstSearch -- runs a reverse breadth first search on the digraph and returns a list of the vertexSet in the order they were discovered
    • showTikZ -- Writes a string of TikZ syntax that can be pasted into a .tex file to display G
    • sinks -- returns the sinks of a digraph
    • sources -- returns the sources of a digraph
    • spanningForest -- constructs a spanning forest of a graph
    • spectrum -- Returns the spectrum of a graph
    • starGraph -- Returns a star graph
    • strongProduct -- a method for taking the strong product of two graphs
    • thresholdGraph -- A method that generates a threshold graph from a binary list
    • topologicalSort -- outputs a list of vertices in a topologically sorted order of a DAG.
    • topSort -- outputs a hashtable containing original digraph, new digraph with vertices topologically sorted and a map from vertices of original digraph to new digraph.
    • underlyingGraph -- Returns the underlying graph of a digraph
    • vertexConnectivity -- computes the vertex connectivity of a graph
    • vertexCoverNumber -- returns the vertex cover number of a graph
    • vertexCovers -- returns a list of the minimal vertex covers of a graph
    • vertexCuts -- lists all the vertex cuts of a graph
    • vertexMultiplication
    • vertexSet -- Returns the vertices of a graph or digraph
    • wheelGraph -- Constructs a wheel graph
    • windmillGraph -- Constructs a windmill graph
    • writeDotFile -- Writes a graph to a dot file with a specified filename
  • Methods
    • addEdge(Digraph,Set) -- see addEdge -- A method for adding edges to a graph
    • addEdges'(Digraph,List) -- see addEdge -- A method for adding edges to a graph
    • addVertex(Digraph,Thing) -- see addVertex -- A method for adding a set of vertices to a graph
    • addVertices(Digraph,List) -- see addVertex -- A method for adding a set of vertices to a graph
    • adjacencyMatrix(Digraph) -- see adjacencyMatrix -- Returns the adjacency matrix of a Graph or Digraph
    • barbellGraph(ZZ) -- see barbellGraph -- Returns the barbell graph
    • barycenter(Graph) -- see barycenter -- Returns the barycenter of a grah
    • bipartiteColoring(Graph) -- see bipartiteColoring -- Returns a coloring of a bipartite graph
    • breadthFirstSearch(Digraph,Thing) -- see breadthFirstSearch -- runs a breadth first search on the digraph starting at a specified node and returns a list of the vertices in the order they were discovered
    • cartesianProduct(Graph,Graph) -- see cartesianProduct -- Computes the cartesian product of two graphs
    • center(Graph) -- see center -- Returns the center of a graph
    • children(Digraph,Thing) -- see children -- returns the children of a vertex of a digraph
    • chromaticNumber(Graph) -- see chromaticNumber -- Computes the chromatic number of a graph
    • circularLadder(ZZ) -- see circularLadder -- Returns a circular ladder graph
    • cliqueComplex(Graph) -- see cliqueComplex -- Returns the clique complex of a graph
    • cliqueNumber(Graph) -- see cliqueNumber -- Returns the clique number of a graph
    • closedNeighborhood(Graph,Thing) -- see closedNeighborhood -- Returns the closed neighborhood of a vertex of a graph
    • clusteringCoefficient(Graph) -- see clusteringCoefficient -- a method for computing the clustering coefficient of a Graph
    • clusteringCoefficient(Graph,Thing) -- see clusteringCoefficient -- a method for computing the clustering coefficient of a Graph
    • cocktailParty(ZZ) -- see cocktailParty -- Returns a cocktail party graph
    • complementGraph(Graph) -- see complementGraph -- Returns the complement of a graph
    • completeGraph(ZZ) -- see completeGraph -- Constructs a complete graph
    • completeMultipartiteGraph(List) -- see completeMultipartiteGraph -- constructs a complete multipartite graph
    • connectedComponents(Graph) -- Computes the connected components of a graph
    • coverIdeal(Graph) -- see coverIdeal -- Returns the vertex cover ideal of a graph
    • criticalEdges(Graph) -- see criticalEdges -- Finds the critical edges of a graph
    • crownGraph(ZZ) -- see crownGraph -- Returns a crown graph
    • cycleGraph(ZZ) -- see cycleGraph -- Constructs a cycle graph
    • degeneracy(Graph) -- see degeneracy -- Computes the degeneracy of a graph
    • degree(Digraph,Thing) -- returns the degree of a vertex in a digraph
    • degreeCentrality(Graph,Thing) -- see degreeCentrality -- Returns the degreeCentrality of a vertex of a graph
    • degreeIn(Digraph,Thing) -- see degreeIn -- returns the "in-degree" of a vertex in a digraph
    • degreeMatrix(Digraph) -- see degreeMatrix -- Returns the degree matrix of a graph
    • degreeOut(Digraph,Thing) -- see degreeOut -- returns the "out-degree" of a vertex in a digraph
    • degreeSequence(Graph) -- see degreeSequence -- the degree sequence of a graph
    • deleteEdges(Graph,List) -- see deleteEdges -- Deletes a list of edges from a graph
    • deleteVertex(Graph,Thing) -- see deleteVertex -- a method for deleting the vertex of a graph
    • deleteVertices(Digraph,List) -- see deleteVertices -- Deletes specified vertices from a digraph or graph
    • density(Graph) -- see density -- computes the density of a graph
    • depthFirstSearch(Digraph) -- see depthFirstSearch -- runs a depth first search on the digraph or digraph and returns the discovery time and finishing time for each vertex in the digraph
    • descendants(Digraph,Thing) -- see descendants -- returns the descendants of a digraph
    • diameter(Graph) -- Computes the diameter of a graph
    • digraph(HashTable) -- see digraph -- Constructs a digraph
    • digraph(List) -- see digraph -- Constructs a digraph
    • digraph(List,List) -- see digraph -- Constructs a digraph
    • digraph(List,Matrix) -- see digraph -- Constructs a digraph
    • digraph(Matrix) -- see digraph -- Constructs a digraph
    • digraphTranspose(Digraph) -- see digraphTranspose -- returns the transpose of a Digraph
    • directProduct(Graph,Graph) -- see directProduct -- Computes the direct product of two graphs
    • disjointUnion(List) -- see disjointUnion -- Returns the disjoint union of a list of graphs.
    • displayGraph(Digraph) -- see displayGraph -- displays a digraph or graph using Graphviz
    • displayGraph(String,Digraph) -- see displayGraph -- displays a digraph or graph using Graphviz
    • displayGraph(String,String,Digraph) -- see displayGraph -- displays a digraph or graph using Graphviz
    • distance(Digraph,Thing,Thing) -- see distance -- Computes the distance between two vertexSet in a graph
    • distanceMatrix(Digraph) -- see distanceMatrix -- Computes the distance matrix of a digraph
    • doubleStar(ZZ,ZZ) -- see doubleStar -- returns a double star graph
    • eccentricity(Graph,Thing) -- see eccentricity -- Returns the eccentricity of a vertex of a graph
    • edgeConnectivity(Graph) -- see edgeConnectivity -- computes the edge connectivity of a graph
    • edgeCuts(Graph) -- see edgeCuts -- returns the edge cuts of a graph
    • edgeIdeal(Graph) -- see edgeIdeal -- returns the edge ideal of a graph
    • edges(Digraph) -- see edges -- Returns the edges of a digraph or graph
    • edges(Graph) -- see edges -- Returns the edges of a digraph or graph
    • expansion(Graph) -- see expansion -- returns the expansion of a graph
    • findPaths(Digraph,Thing,ZZ) -- see findPaths -- finds all the paths in a digraph of a given length starting at a given vertex
    • floydWarshall(Digraph) -- see floydWarshall -- runs the Floyd-Warshall algorithm on a digraph to determine the minimum distance from one vertex to another in the digraph
    • forefathers(Digraph,Thing) -- see forefathers -- returns the forefathers of a digraph
    • friendshipGraph(ZZ) -- see friendshipGraph -- Returns a friendship Graph
    • generalizedPetersenGraph(ZZ,ZZ) -- see generalizedPetersenGraph -- Returns a generalized petersen graph
    • girth(Graph) -- see girth -- A method for computing the girth of a graph
    • graph(HashTable) -- see graph -- Constructs a simple graph
    • graph(List) -- see graph -- Constructs a simple graph
    • graph(List,List) -- see graph -- Constructs a simple graph
    • graph(List,Matrix) -- see graph -- Constructs a simple graph
    • graph(Matrix) -- see graph -- Constructs a simple graph
    • graph(Digraph) -- Returns the legacy G#graph hash table
    • graphComposition(Graph,Graph) -- see graphComposition -- A method for composing two graphs
    • graphLibrary(String) -- see graphLibrary -- constructs a graph of a type specified in the string input
    • graphPower(Graph,ZZ) -- see graphPower -- constructs a graph raised to a power
    • hasEulerianTrail(Digraph) -- see hasEulerianTrail -- determines whether a graph or a digraph has an Eulerian trail
    • hasEulerianTrail(Graph) -- see hasEulerianTrail -- determines whether a graph or a digraph has an Eulerian trail
    • hasOddHole(Graph) -- see hasOddHole -- checks whether a graph has a odd hole
    • html(Digraph) -- Create an .svg representation of a graph or digraph
    • incidenceMatrix(Graph) -- see incidenceMatrix -- computes the incidence matrix of a graph
    • independenceComplex(Graph) -- see independenceComplex -- constructs the independence complex of a graph
    • independenceNumber(Graph) -- see independenceNumber -- computes the independence number of a graph
    • indexLabelGraph(Digraph) -- see indexLabelGraph -- Relabels the vertices of a graph or digraph according to their indices, indexed from 0.
    • indexLabelGraph(Graph) -- see indexLabelGraph -- Relabels the vertices of a graph or digraph according to their indices, indexed from 0.
    • inducedSubgraph(Digraph,List) -- see inducedSubgraph -- A method for finding the induced subgraph of any Graph or Digraph
    • inducedSubgraph(Graph,List) -- see inducedSubgraph -- A method for finding the induced subgraph of any Graph or Digraph
    • isBipartite(Graph) -- see isBipartite -- determines whether a graph is bipartite
    • isChordal(Graph) -- see isChordal -- checks whether a graph is chordal
    • isCM(Graph) -- see isCM -- determines if a graph is Cohen-Macaulay
    • isConnected(Graph) -- see isConnected -- determines whether a graph is connected
    • isCyclic(Graph) -- see isCyclic -- determines whether a graph is cyclic
    • isCyclic(Digraph) -- determines whether a digraph is cyclic
    • isEulerian(Digraph) -- see isEulerian -- determines if a graph or digraph is Eulerian
    • isEulerian(Graph) -- see isEulerian -- determines if a graph or digraph is Eulerian
    • isForest(Graph) -- see isForest -- determines whether a graph is a forest
    • isLeaf(Graph,Thing) -- see isLeaf -- determines whether a vertex is a leaf
    • isPerfect(Graph) -- see isPerfect -- checks whether a graph is perfect
    • isReachable(Digraph,Thing,Thing) -- see isReachable -- checks if a vertex u is reachable from a vertex v
    • isRegular(Graph) -- see isRegular -- determines whether a graph is regular
    • isRigid(Graph) -- see isRigid -- checks if a graph is rigid
    • isSimple(Graph) -- see isSimple -- checks if a graph is simple
    • isSink(Digraph,Thing) -- see isSink -- determines if a vertex of a digraph is a sink or not
    • isSource(Digraph,Thing) -- see isSource -- determines if a vertex of a digraph is a source or not
    • isStronglyConnected(Digraph) -- see isStronglyConnected -- checks if a digraph is strongly connected
    • isTree(Graph) -- see isTree -- determines whether a graph is a tree
    • isWeaklyConnected(Digraph) -- see isWeaklyConnected -- checks if a digraph is weakly connected
    • kneserGraph(ZZ,ZZ) -- see kneserGraph -- constructs a kneser graph of specified size
    • ladderGraph(ZZ) -- see ladderGraph -- Returns a ladder graph
    • laplacianMatrix(Graph) -- see laplacianMatrix -- Returns the laplacian matrix of a graph
    • leaves(Graph) -- see leaves -- lists the leaves of a tree graph
    • lineGraph(Graph) -- see lineGraph -- Returns the line graph of an undirected graph
    • lollipopGraph(ZZ,ZZ) -- see lollipopGraph -- constructs a lollipop graph
    • lowestCommonAncestors(Digraph,Thing,Thing) -- see lowestCommonAncestors -- determines the lowest common ancestors between two vertexSet
    • minimalDegree(Graph) -- see minimalDegree -- computes the minimal degree of a graph
    • minimalVertexCuts(Graph) -- see minimalVertexCuts -- finds the minimal vertex cuts of a graph
    • monomialGraph(MonomialIdeal,ZZ) -- see monomialGraph -- Returns a monomial graph
    • neighbors(Graph,Thing) -- see neighbors -- returns the neighbors of a vertex in a graph
    • nondescendants(Digraph,Thing) -- see nondescendants -- returns the nondescendants of a vertex of a digraph
    • nonneighbors(Graph,Thing) -- see nonneighbors -- returns the non-neighbors of a vertex in a graph
    • numberOfComponents(Graph) -- see numberOfComponents -- computes the number of connected components of a graph
    • numberOfTriangles(Graph) -- see numberOfTriangles -- counts how many subtriangles are present in a graph
    • parents(Digraph,Thing) -- see parents -- returns the parents of a vertex on a digraph
    • pathGraph(ZZ) -- see pathGraph -- A method that makes a path graph
    • radius(Graph) -- see radius -- Returns the radius of a graph
    • rattleGraph(ZZ,ZZ) -- see rattleGraph -- Returns a rattle graph
    • reachable(Digraph,List) -- see reachable -- Returns the vertices reachable in a digraph from a given collection of vertices
    • reachable(Digraph,Set) -- see reachable -- Returns the vertices reachable in a digraph from a given collection of vertices
    • reindexBy(Digraph,String) -- see reindexBy -- reindexes the vertices according to the input ordering.
    • reindexBy(Graph,String) -- see reindexBy -- reindexes the vertices according to the input ordering.
    • reverseBreadthFirstSearch(Digraph,Thing) -- see reverseBreadthFirstSearch -- runs a reverse breadth first search on the digraph and returns a list of the vertexSet in the order they were discovered
    • showTikZ(Digraph) -- see showTikZ -- Writes a string of TikZ syntax that can be pasted into a .tex file to display G
    • sinks(Digraph) -- see sinks -- returns the sinks of a digraph
    • sources(Digraph) -- see sources -- returns the sources of a digraph
    • spanningForest(Graph) -- see spanningForest -- constructs a spanning forest of a graph
    • spectrum(Graph) -- see spectrum -- Returns the spectrum of a graph
    • starGraph(ZZ) -- see starGraph -- Returns a star graph
    • strongProduct(Graph,Graph) -- see strongProduct -- a method for taking the strong product of two graphs
    • thresholdGraph(List) -- see thresholdGraph -- A method that generates a threshold graph from a binary list
    • topologicalSort(Digraph) -- see topologicalSort -- outputs a list of vertices in a topologically sorted order of a DAG.
    • topologicalSort(Digraph,String) -- see topologicalSort -- outputs a list of vertices in a topologically sorted order of a DAG.
    • topSort(Digraph) -- see topSort -- outputs a hashtable containing original digraph, new digraph with vertices topologically sorted and a map from vertices of original digraph to new digraph.
    • topSort(Digraph,String) -- see topSort -- outputs a hashtable containing original digraph, new digraph with vertices topologically sorted and a map from vertices of original digraph to new digraph.
    • underlyingGraph(Digraph) -- see underlyingGraph -- Returns the underlying graph of a digraph
    • vertexConnectivity(Graph) -- see vertexConnectivity -- computes the vertex connectivity of a graph
    • vertexCoverNumber(Graph) -- see vertexCoverNumber -- returns the vertex cover number of a graph
    • vertexCovers(Graph) -- see vertexCovers -- returns a list of the minimal vertex covers of a graph
    • vertexCuts(Graph) -- see vertexCuts -- lists all the vertex cuts of a graph
    • vertexMultiplication(Graph,Thing,Thing) -- see vertexMultiplication
    • vertexSet(Digraph) -- see vertexSet -- Returns the vertices of a graph or digraph
    • vertices(Digraph) -- see vertexSet -- Returns the vertices of a graph or digraph
    • wheelGraph(ZZ) -- see wheelGraph -- Constructs a wheel graph
    • windmillGraph(ZZ,ZZ) -- see windmillGraph -- Constructs a windmill graph
    • writeDotFile(String,Digraph) -- see writeDotFile -- Writes a graph to a dot file with a specified filename
    • writeDotFile(String,Graph) -- see writeDotFile -- Writes a graph to a dot file with a specified filename
  • Symbols
    • discoveryTime (missing documentation)
    • finishingTime (missing documentation)
    • EntryMode -- see graph -- Constructs a simple graph
    • newDigraph -- key used in the output of topSort
    • simpleGraph (missing documentation)
    • Singletons (missing documentation)

For the programmer

The object Graphs is a package.