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Packages » HyperplaneArrangements :: logCanonicalThreshold(CentralArrangement)
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logCanonicalThreshold(CentralArrangement) -- compute the log-canonical threshold of an arrangement



The log-canonical threshold of $A$ defined by a polynomial $f$ is the least number $c$ for which the multiplier ideal $J(f^c)$ is nontrivial.

Let's consider Example 6.3 of Berkesch and Leykin from arXiv:1002.1475v2:

i1 : R = QQ[x,y,z]

o1 = R

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : A = arrangement ((x^2 - y^2)*(x^2 - z^2)*(y^2 - z^2)*z)

o2 = {z, y - z, y + z, x - z, x + z, x - y, x + y}

o2 : Hyperplane Arrangement 
i3 : logCanonicalThreshold A

o3 = -

o3 : QQ

Note that $A$ is allowed to be a multiarrangement.

See also

Ways to use this method: