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Packages » NormalToricVarieties :: isWellDefined(ToricDivisor)
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isWellDefined(ToricDivisor) -- whether a toric divisor is well-defined



This function checks that the following aspects of the data structure:

  • the underlying HashTable has the expected keys, namely the integers from 0 to n-1 where n = # rays variety D, variety, and cache,
  • the value of each integer key is an ZZ,
  • the value of the variety key is a NormalToricVariety,
  • the value of the cache key is a CacheTable.
i1 : PP2 = toricProjectiveSpace 2

o1 = PP2

o1 : NormalToricVariety
i2 : D1 = toricDivisor ({2,-7,3}, PP2)

o2 = 2*PP2  - 7*PP2  + 3*PP2
          0        1        2

o2 : ToricDivisor on PP2
i3 : assert isWellDefined D1
i4 : debugLevel = 1;
i5 : D2 = new ToricDivisor from hashTable { 0 => 2, symbol variety => PP2, symbol cache => new CacheTable};

o5 : ToricDivisor on PP2
i6 : assert not isWellDefined D2
-- missing key(s): {1, 2}
i7 : D3 = new ToricDivisor from hashTable { 0 => 2, 1 => x, 2 => 3, symbol variety => PP2, symbol cache => new CacheTable};

o7 : ToricDivisor on PP2
i8 : assert not isWellDefined D3
expected 1-th coefficient to be an integer
i9 : D4 = new ToricDivisor from hashTable { 0 => 2, 1 => -7, 2 => 3, symbol variety => 7, symbol cache => new CacheTable};

o9 : ToricDivisor on 7
i10 : assert not isWellDefined D4
expected a divisor over a normal toric variety

The function expression(ToricDivisor) assumes that the input toric divisor is well-defined.

See also

Ways to use this method: