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Packages » NormalToricVarieties :: polytope(ToricDivisor)
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polytope(ToricDivisor) -- makes the associated 'Polyhedra' polyhedron



For a torus-invariant Weil divisors $D = \sum_i a_i D_i$ the associated polyhedron is $\{ m \in M : (m, v_i) \geq -a_i \forall i \}$. Given a torus-invariant Weil divisor, this methods makes the associated polyhedra as an object in Polyhedra.

i1 : PP2 = toricProjectiveSpace 2;
i2 : P0 = polytope (-PP2_0)

o2 = P0

o2 : Polyhedron
i3 : assert (dim P0 === -1)
i4 : P1 = polytope (0*PP2_0)

o4 = P1

o4 : Polyhedron
i5 : assert (dim P1 == 0)
i6 : assert (vertices P1 == 0)
i7 : P2 = polytope (PP2_0)

o7 = P2

o7 : Polyhedron
i8 : vertices P2

o8 = | 0 1 0 |
     | 0 0 1 |

              2       3
o8 : Matrix QQ  <-- QQ
i9 : halfspaces P2

o9 = (| -1 0  |, | 0 |)
      | 0  -1 |  | 0 |
      | 1  1  |  | 1 |

o9 : Sequence

This method works with $\QQ$-Cartier divisors.

i10 : Y = normalToricVariety matrix {{0,1,0,0,1},{0,0,1,0,1},{0,0,0,1,1},{0,0,0,0,3}};
i11 : assert not isCartier Y_0
i12 : assert isQQCartier Y_0
i13 : P3 = polytope Y_0;
i14 : vertices P3

o14 = | 0 1/3 0   0   1/3 |
      | 0 0   1/3 0   1/3 |
      | 0 0   0   1/3 1/3 |
      | 0 0   0   0   1   |

               4       5
o14 : Matrix QQ  <-- QQ
i15 : vertices polytope Y_0

o15 = | 0 1/3 0   0   1/3 |
      | 0 0   1/3 0   1/3 |
      | 0 0   0   1/3 1/3 |
      | 0 0   0   0   1   |

               4       5
o15 : Matrix QQ  <-- QQ
i16 : halfspaces P3

o16 = (| 3  3  3  -2 |, | 1 |)
       | 0  0  0  -1 |  | 0 |
       | -3 0  0  1  |  | 0 |
       | 0  -3 0  1  |  | 0 |
       | 0  0  -3 1  |  | 0 |

o16 : Sequence

It also works divisors on non-complete toric varieties.

i17 : Z = normalToricVariety ({{1,0},{1,1},{0,1}}, {{0,1},{1,2}});
i18 : assert not isComplete Z
i19 : D = - toricDivisor Z

o19 = Z  + Z  + Z
       0    1    2

o19 : ToricDivisor on Z
i20 : P4 = polytope D;
i21 : rays P4

o21 = | 1 0 |
      | 0 1 |

               2       2
o21 : Matrix QQ  <-- QQ
i22 : vertices P4

o22 = | -1 0  |
      | 0  -1 |

               2       2
o22 : Matrix QQ  <-- QQ
i23 : halfspaces P4

o23 = (| -1 0  |, | 1 |)
       | 0  -1 |  | 1 |
       | -1 -1 |  | 1 |

o23 : Sequence

See also

Ways to use this method: