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Packages » NumericalImplicitization :: PseudoWitnessSet
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PseudoWitnessSet -- the class of all pseudo-witness sets


This is a type of hash table storing the output of a pseudo-witness set computation using monodromy, with the following keys:

For a discussion of pseudo-witness sets, see J.D. Hauenstein and A.J. Sommese, $Witness sets of projections$, Appl. Math. Comput. 217(7) (2010), 3349-3354.

The following example demonstrates the output for the degree $3$ embedding of $P^1$ into $P^3$, whose image is the twisted cubic.

i1 : R = CC[s,t];
i2 : W = pseudoWitnessSet(basis(3,R), ideal 0_R, Verbose => false);
-- warning: experimental computation over inexact field begun
--          results not reliable (one warning given per session)
i3 : peek W

o3 = PseudoWitnessSet{degree => 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                               }
                      generalCombinations => 0
                      imageSlice => | (.0258884+.714827ii)s3+(.89189+.231053ii)s2t+(.461944+.775187ii)st2+(.909047+.314897ii)t3+2.27491+.509688ii (.0741835+.808694ii)s3+(.362835+.706096ii)s2t+(.127435+.254482ii)st2+(.741046+.108386ii)t3+2.06657+.790512ii |
                      isCompletePseudoWitnessSet => true
                      map => | s3 s2t st2 t3 |
                      sourceEquations => ideal 0
                      sourceSlice => 0
                      trace => 8.09637e-12
                      witnessPointPairs => {({-.378607-.511124*ii, .596166+1.31216*ii}, {.24246-.0862685*ii, -.578137+.076024*ii, 1.31698+.106034*ii, -2.86749-.860156*ii})}
                                           {({1.18221+.736333*ii, -.445585+.423262*ii}, {-.270643+2.68814*ii, -1.11808-.413689*ii, .300672-.431649*ii, .151012+.176283*ii})}
                                           {({.892712+.673395*ii, .29398+.632944*ii}, {-.502996+1.3046*ii, -.660011+.57085*ii, -.531085+.120643*ii, -.327914-.0894633*ii}) }

See also

Functions and methods returning a pseudo-witness set :

Methods that use a pseudo-witness set :

For the programmer

The object PseudoWitnessSet is a type, with ancestor classes HashTable < Thing.