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Packages » NumericalImplicitization :: numericalSourceSample
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numericalSourceSample -- samples a general point on a variety



This method computes a list of sample points on a variety numerically. If $I$ is the zero ideal in a polynomial ring of dimension $n$, then an $n$-tuple of random elements in the ground field is returned. Otherwise, a numerical irreducible decomposition of $I$ is computed, which is then used to sample points.

If the number of points $s$ is unspecified, then it is assumed that $s = 1$.

One can provide a witness set for $V(I)$ if a witness set is already known.

In the example below, we sample a point from $A^3$ and then $3$ points from $V(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 1)$ in $A^3$.

i1 : R = CC[x,y,z];
i2 : samp = numericalSourceSample(ideal 0_R)

o2 = {{.892712+.673395*ii, .29398+.632944*ii, .025888+.714827*ii}}

o2 : List
i3 : samp#0

o3 = {.892712+.673395*ii, .29398+.632944*ii, .025888+.714827*ii}

o3 : Point
i4 : I = ideal(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 1);

o4 : Ideal of R
i5 : numericalSourceSample(I, 3)

o5 = {{.0639312+.363095*ii, .349078+.480802*ii, -1.12512+.169804*ii},
     {1.824+.510044*ii, -.745985+1.12127*ii, -.080127+1.17155*ii},
     {.904524-.892533*ii, 1.19581+.66524*ii, .0902927+.13085*ii}}

o5 : List

As of version 2.2.0 (Nov 2020), it is also possible to specify a custom sampling function: namely, one can specify the value of the option Software to be a function which takes in the ideal $I$ and returns a point.

The following example shows how to sample a point from SO(5, $\mathbb{R}$).

i6 : n = 5

o6 = 5
i7 : R = RR[a_(1,1)..a_(n,n)]

o7 = R

o7 : PolynomialRing
i8 : A = genericMatrix(R,n,n);

             5      5
o8 : Matrix R  <-- R
i9 : I = ideal(A*transpose A - id_(R^n));

o9 : Ideal of R
i10 : q = first numericalSourceSample(I, Software => I -> realPoint(I, Iterations => 100))

o10 = q

o10 : Point
i11 : matrix pack(n, q#Coordinates)

o11 = | -.514585 -.0590333 -.340792 .739251 .262836  |
      | .794998  -.127686  -.519368 .270682 .0930521 |
      | .218364  .714315   .3546    .47793  -.296496 |
      | .204042  -.603484  .670006  .36953  .0933285 |
      | .117732  .325223   .198658  -.12356 .908647  |

                 5         5
o11 : Matrix RR    <-- RR
               53        53
i12 : norm evaluate(gens I, q)

o12 = .00000340327416159525

o12 : RR (of precision 53)


Since numerical irreducible decompositions are done over CC, if $I$ is not the zero ideal, then by default the output will be a point in complex space (regardless of the ground field of the ring of $I$).

See also

Ways to use numericalSourceSample :

For the programmer

The object numericalSourceSample is a method function with options.