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numericalNullity -- computes numerical kernel dimension of a matrix



This method computes the dimension of the kernel of a matrix with real or complex entries numerically, via singular value decomposition (see SVD).

If $\sigma_1 \ge \ldots \ge \sigma_n$ are the singular values of $M$, then to establish the nullity numerically we look for the largest "significant" gap between two consecutive singular values, where the gap between $\sigma_i$ and $\sigma_{i+1}$ is "significant" if the ratio $\sigma_i / \sigma_{i+1}$ exceeds the value of SVDGap. If a gap is found which is greater than this threshold, then all singular values after this gap are considered as numerically zero; if all gaps are less than this threshold, then the matrix is considered numerically full rank. The default value of SVDGap is $1e5$.

The option Precondition specifies whether the rows of M will be normalized to have norm $1$ before computing the SVD. This helps reveal nullity if the matrix is dense (e.g. for a generic interpolation matrix), but not if the matrix is sparse (e.g. diagonal). The default value is false.

i1 : numericalNullity(matrix{{2, 1}, {0, 1e-5}}, Precondition => false)

o1 = 1
i2 : numericalNullity(map(CC^2,CC^2,0))

o2 = 2


The option SVDGap may require tuning by the user.

See also

Ways to use numericalNullity :

For the programmer

The object numericalNullity is a method function with options.