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jacobianDualMatrix -- computes the Jacobian dual matrix



The Jacobian dual matrix is a matrix whose kernel describes the syzygies of the matrix corresponding to the inverse map. For more information, see

  • Doria, A. V.; Hassanzadeh, S. H.; Simis, A. A characteristic-free criterion of birationality. Adv. Math. 230 (2012), no. 1, 390--413.

This is mostly an internal function. It is used when checking whether a map is birational and when computing the inverse map. If the AssumeDominant option is set to true, it assumes that the kernel of the associated ring map is zero (default value is false). Valid values for the Strategy option are ReesStrategy and SaturationStrategy.

i1 : R=QQ[x,y];
i2 : S=QQ[a,b,c,d];
i3 : Pi = map(R, S, {x^3, x^2*y, x*y^2, y^3});

o3 : RingMap R <-- S
i4 : jacobianDualMatrix(Pi, Strategy=>SaturationStrategy)

o4 = | -d -c -b 0 0 0 |
     | c  b  a  0 0 0 |

            /               S               \2     /               S               \6
o4 : Matrix |-------------------------------|  <-- |-------------------------------|
            |  2                    2       |      |  2                    2       |
            \(c  - b*d, b*c - a*d, b  - a*c)/      \(c  - b*d, b*c - a*d, b  - a*c)/

See also

Ways to use jacobianDualMatrix :

For the programmer

The object jacobianDualMatrix is a method function with options.