Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » ResLengthThree :: Labels
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Labels -- an optional argument for multTableOneOne and MultTableOneTwo determining whether to label rows and columns



multTableOneTwo A

The default value of Labels is true. Changing the value to false removes the row and column labels.

i1 : Q = QQ[x,y,z];
i2 : A = resLengthThreeAlg res ideal (x^2,y^2,z^2)

o2 = A

o2 : QuotientRing
i3 : netList multTableOneOne (A, Labels => false)

o3 = |0  |f  |f |
     |   | 1 | 2|
     |-f |0  |f |
     |  1|   | 3|
     |-f |-f |0 |
     |  2|  3|  |
i4 : netList multTableOneTwo (A, Labels => false)

o4 = |0 |0  |g |
     |  |   | 1|
     |0 |-g |0 |
     |  |  1|  |
     |g |0  |0 |
     | 1|   |  |

Functions with optional argument named Labels :

For the programmer

The object Labels is a symbol.