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Packages » StatGraphs :: vertices(MixedGraph)
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vertices(MixedGraph) -- create a union of all vertices of a mixed graph



This function creates a union of all vertices of a graph of class MixedGraph. This is an adaptation of vertices and vertexSet from Graphs.

i1 : G = mixedGraph(graph{{3,1}},digraph {{1,2},{2,3}},bigraph {{3,4}})

o1 = MixedGraph{Bigraph => Bigraph{3 => {4}}}
                                   4 => {3}
                Digraph => Digraph{1 => {2}}
                                   2 => {3}
                                   3 => {}
                Graph => Graph{1 => {3}}
                               3 => {1}

o1 : MixedGraph
i2 : vertices G

o2 = {1, 2, 3, 4}

o2 : List
i3 : vertexSet G

o3 = {1, 2, 3, 4}

o3 : List

See also

Ways to use this method: