Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » VectorGraphics :: translation
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translation -- Computes a translation matrix



Produces a translation encoded as a 4x4 matrix that can be used as an argument to TransformMatrix or AnimMatrix. The vector can be 2d or 3d.

i1 : v={vector{7.456, 5.201, -4.166}, vector{2.7263, -2.992, 9.144},
        vector{-8.130, 5.783, 0.671}, vector {-2.052, -7.993, -5.649}};
i2 : f={{v#2,v#1,v#0},{v#0,v#1,v#3},{v#0,v#3,v#2},{v#1,v#2,v#3}};
i3 : tetra=gList(apply(4,i->Polygon{f#i,"fill"=>"white"}))

o3 = tetra

o3 : GraphicsList
i4 : g = memoize(n -> if n==0 then tetra else gList apply(4,i->g(n-1)++{TransformMatrix=>translation(2^(n-1)*v#i)}))

o4 = g

o4 : FunctionClosure
i5 : apply(4,g)

o5 = {tetra, GraphicsList{cache =>
                          style =>
     => {GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                  
                      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}             
                                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 
                                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 
                                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 
                                                         |   1   |  |    1   
                                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}
                      style => MutableHashTable{}                            
                      TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 7.456  |                    
                                         | 0 1 0 5.201  |                    
                                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                    
                                         | 0 0 0 1      |                    
                   }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                         
     |, |  7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052
     |  |  5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993
     |  | -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649
     |  |    1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1  
                              style => MutableHashTable{...1...}            
       }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
     |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
     |                          |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
     |                          | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
     |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
                  style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 2.7263 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -8.13 |                         
                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                              
                  Contents => {GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                                            Contents => {GraphicsList
                                            style => MutableHashTable
                                            TransformMatrix => | 1 0 
                                                               | 0 1 
                                                               | 0 0 
                                                               | 0 0 
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                        
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
      TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 7.456  |                                    
                         | 0 1 0 5.201  |                                    
                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
                         | 0 0 0 1      |                                    
     0 14.912 |                                                              
     0 10.402 |                                                              
     1 -8.332 |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 2.7263 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -8.13 |                         
                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
                  style => MutableHashTable
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 
                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
      TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 7.456  |                                    
                         | 0 1 0 5.201  |                                    
                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
                         | 0 0 0 1      |                                    
     0 5.4526 |                                                              
     0 -5.984 |                                                              
     1 18.288 |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 2.7263 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -8.13 |                         
                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
                  style => MutableHashTable
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 
                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
      TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 7.456  |                                    
                         | 0 1 0 5.201  |                                    
                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
                         | 0 0 0 1      |                                    
     0 -16.26 |                                                              
     0 11.566 |                                                              
     1 1.342  |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
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     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
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                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
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                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
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                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
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                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
                         | 0 0 0 1      |                                    
     0 -4.104  |                                                             
     0 -15.986 |                                                             
     1 -11.298 |                                                             
     0 1       |                                                             
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}      
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}        
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |         
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |         
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |         
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                      
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                              
                  Contents => {GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                                            Contents => {GraphicsList
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                                                               | 0 1 
                                                               | 0 0 
                                                               | 0 0 
                  style => MutableHashTable{}
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      Contents => {GraphicsList
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      TransformMatrix => | 1 0 
                         | 0 1 
                         | 0 0 
                         | 0 0 
     0 29.824  |               
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     1 -16.664 |               
     0 1       |               
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
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      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
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                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
                         | 0 0 0 1      |                                    
     0 14.912 |                                                              
     0 10.402 |                                                              
     1 -8.332 |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
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                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
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      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
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                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
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      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
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     0 5.4526 |                                                              
     0 -5.984 |                                                              
     1 18.288 |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
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                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
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                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
                  style => MutableHashTable
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                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
      TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 7.456  |                                    
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                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
                         | 0 0 0 1      |                                    
     0 -16.26 |                                                              
     0 11.566 |                                                              
     1 1.342  |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -8.13 |                         
                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
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                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
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      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
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                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
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     0 -4.104  |                                                             
     0 -15.986 |                                                             
     1 -11.298 |                                                             
     0 1       |                                                             
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 2.7263 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}      
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}        
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |         
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |         
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |         
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                      
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                              
                  Contents => {GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                                            Contents => {GraphicsList
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                                                               | 0 1 
                                                               | 0 0 
                                                               | 0 0 
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                        
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                                     | 0 1 0 -11.968 |               
                                     | 0 0 1 36.576  |               
                                     | 0 0 0 1       |               
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
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                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
                         | 0 0 0 1      |                                    
     0 14.912 |                                                              
     0 10.402 |                                                              
     1 -8.332 |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 2.7263 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
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                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -8.13 |                         
                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
                  style => MutableHashTable
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 
                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
      TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 7.456  |                                    
                         | 0 1 0 5.201  |                                    
                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
                         | 0 0 0 1      |                                    
     0 5.4526 |                                                              
     0 -5.984 |                                                              
     1 18.288 |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 2.7263 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -8.13 |                         
                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
                  style => MutableHashTable
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                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
      TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 7.456  |                                    
                         | 0 1 0 5.201  |                                    
                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
                         | 0 0 0 1      |                                    
     0 -16.26 |                                                              
     0 11.566 |                                                              
     1 1.342  |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 2.7263 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -8.13 |                         
                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
                  style => MutableHashTable
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 
                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
      TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 7.456  |                                    
                         | 0 1 0 5.201  |                                    
                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
                         | 0 0 0 1      |                                    
     0 -4.104  |                                                             
     0 -15.986 |                                                             
     1 -11.298 |                                                             
     0 1       |                                                             
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 2.7263 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -8.13 |                         
                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}      
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}        
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |         
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |         
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |         
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                      
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                              
                  Contents => {GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                                            Contents => {GraphicsList
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                                                               | 0 1 
                                                               | 0 0 
                                                               | 0 0 
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                                     | 0 1 0 23.132 |                
                                     | 0 0 1 2.684  |                
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
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                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
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      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
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     0 14.912 |                                                              
     0 10.402 |                                                              
     1 -8.332 |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -8.13 |                         
                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
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                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
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      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
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                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
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      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
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     0 5.4526 |                                                              
     0 -5.984 |                                                              
     1 18.288 |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
                  style => MutableHashTable
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                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
      TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 7.456  |                                    
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                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
                         | 0 0 0 1      |                                    
     0 -16.26 |                                                              
     0 11.566 |                                                              
     1 1.342  |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
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                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
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     0 -4.104  |                                                             
     0 -15.986 |                                                             
     1 -11.298 |                                                             
     0 1       |                                                             
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
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     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
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     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}      
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}        
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |         
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |         
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |         
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                      
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                              
                  Contents => {GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                                            Contents => {GraphicsList
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                                                               | 0 1 
                                                               | 0 0 
                                                               | 0 0 
                  style => MutableHashTable{}
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                                     | 0 1 0 -31.972 |
                                     | 0 0 1 -22.596 |
                                     | 0 0 0 1       |
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
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                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
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     0 14.912 |                                                              
     0 10.402 |                                                              
     1 -8.332 |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
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                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
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      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
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                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
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      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
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                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
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     0 5.4526 |                                                              
     0 -5.984 |                                                              
     1 18.288 |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
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                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
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                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
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                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
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      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
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                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
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     0 -16.26 |                                                              
     0 11.566 |                                                              
     1 1.342  |                                                              
     0 1      |                                                              
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 2.7263 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -8.13 |                         
                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}    
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}      
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |       
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |       
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |       
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                    
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}    
                  Contents => {GraphicsList
                  style => MutableHashTable
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 
                                     | 0 1 
                                     | 0 0 
                                     | 0 0 
     {cache => CacheTable{}                                                  
      Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
                           PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |  7.456 |}  
                                         | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |  5.201 |   
                                         |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  | -4.166 |   
                                         |   1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                           style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
      style => MutableHashTable{}                                            
      TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 7.456  |                                    
                         | 0 1 0 5.201  |                                    
                         | 0 0 1 -4.166 |                                    
                         | 0 0 0 1      |                                    
     0 -4.104  |
     0 -15.986 |
     1 -11.298 |
     0 1       |
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
                           | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 2.7263 |                        
                                     | 0 1 0 -2.992 |                        
                                     | 0 0 1 9.144  |                        
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |                        
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}                                
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -8.13 |                         
                                     | 0 1 0 5.783 |                         
                                     | 0 0 1 .671  |                         
                                     | 0 0 0 1     |                         
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}  
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}    
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |     
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |     
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |     
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                  
     GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                      
                  Contents => {Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                 
                                       PointList => {| -8.13 |, | 2.7263 |, |
                                                     | 5.783 |  | -2.992 |  |
                                                     |  .671 |  |  9.144 |  |
                                                     |   1   |  |    1   |  |
                                       style => MutableHashTable{...1...}    
                  style => MutableHashTable{}
                  TransformMatrix => | 1 0 0 -2.052 |
                                     | 0 1 0 -7.993 |
                                     | 0 0 1 -5.649 |
                                     | 0 0 0 1      |
              }, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                            },
      7.456 |}           PointList => {|  7.456 |, | 2.7263 |, | -2.052 |}  
      5.201 |                          |  5.201 |  | -2.992 |  | -7.993 |   
     -4.166 |                          | -4.166 |  |  9.144 |  | -5.649 |   
        1   |                          |    1   |  |    1   |  |    1   |   
                         style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                 
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           },
             PointList => {|  7.456 |, | -2.052 |, | -8.13 |}  
                           |  5.201 |  | -7.993 |  | 5.783 |   
                           | -4.166 |  | -5.649 |  |  .671 |   
                           |    1   |  |    1   |  |   1   |   
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}                
     Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                           }}
             PointList => {| 2.7263 |, | -8.13 |, | -2.052 |}
                           | -2.992 |  | 5.783 |  | -7.993 |
                           |  9.144 |  |  .671 |  | -5.649 |
                           |    1   |  |   1   |  |    1   |
             style => MutableHashTable{...1...}

o5 : List

For the programmer

The object translation is a function closure.