Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » NormalToricVarieties :: cartesianProduct(Sequence)
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cartesianProduct(Sequence) -- make the Cartesian product of normal toric varieties



The Cartesian product of varieties $X_0, X_1, X_2, \dots$, all defined over the same ground field $k$, is the fiber product $X_0 \times_k X_1 \times_k X_2 \times_k \dots$. For normal toric varieties, the fan of the product is given by the Cartesian product of the underlying fans of the factors.

i1 : X = toricProjectiveSpace 1;
i2 : Y = toricProjectiveSpace 2;
i3 : Z = toricProjectiveSpace 3;
i4 : Seq = (X, Y, Z);
i5 : P = cartesianProduct Seq;
i6 : dim P

o6 = 6
i7 : assert (dim P == 1+2+3)
i8 : factors = components P

o8 = {X, Y, Z}

o8 : List
i9 : # factors

o9 = 3
i10 : assert (factors#0 === X and factors#1 === Y and factors#2 === Z)

This general method for constructing products is invoked by all of the other product constructors.

See also

Ways to use this method: